HES Code in Turkey: Guide for Your Trip to Antalya

Last Updated by Gizem on June 20, 2021
HES Code in Turkey (Editorial)

If you read our article about the COVID-19 Rules in Turkey, you probably already know that if you want to travel in Antalya or Turkey at all, you will need a HES Code. This code will give you access to the country and also allow you to move around and travel in compliance with the new safety measures set by the Turkish government. 

In this complete guide to the HES Code in Antalya, you will find all the information you need to understand, obtain, and use your HES Code in Turkey.

Where do I get my HES Code? Where will I need to use my HES Code in Antalya? How do I link my HES Code to my Public Transportation Card? You will find answers to these questions below.

Before starting, don't forget that to travel in and out of Antalya, you will need a PCR Test in English. Find more information about the PCR test in Antalya.

What is a HES Code?

The Hayat Eve Siğar (HES) Code was created by the Turkish Ministry of Health in order to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases in Turkey.  

It is a personal code used as part of the Covid-19 measures that tracks your contact with other people to alert you if you have had contact with a positive patient.

The HES code is used for entering Turkey, using public transport, visiting some tourist attractions, and other things.

Do Tourists need a HES Code?

Yes, tourists need a HES Code when traveling to Turkey.

All people entering the county are asked to present their individual HES Code. The code is not required for children under the age of 2 years.

How do I get a HES Code for Tourists

How Do I Get a HES Code as a Tourist?

Obtaining a tourist HES Code is pretty simple. Let's go through the information about how to get your HES Code in Turkey:

1. Register 

Since March, it has been mandatory to register online via Register.health.gov.tr 72 hours before entering Turkey. When registering for entry, travelers automatically receive their personal HES Code.

2. Fill in required fields

Now fill in the required fields of the form.

You only need to enter your arrival date, the date of departure is no longer required.

Note: The form field where you enter your travel document number currently only says Passport number in the description. Citizens of countries that are allowed to enter Turkey with an ID Card can enter the number of their ID card in this field also. 

3. Get Your QR Code

After registering online, you will receive a confirmation. You will find your personal HES Code as a QR Code and number on the top of the confirmation form.

4. Use Your HES Code

Since you will have to show your HES Code at the Antalya Airport, it is highly recommended to print your confirmation form with your HES code at home before you arrive. Alternatively, you can also take a screenshot of the QR code and the number to show it when entering the country.

HES Code in Turkey

How Do I Get a HES Code as a Turkish Citizen or a Resident in Turkey?

Your HES code can also be obtained by using the Hayat Eve Siğar Mobile Application, via e-Government or via SMS.

If your mobile phone is registered by a Turkish mobile provider, you can send a SMS to 2023 with the specific details. Afterwards, you will receive your personal HES code in a SMS message.

Please be sure to send the details in this specific order and format:

HES [Space] Turkish ID number [Space] last 4 digits of the serial number of your Turkish ID [Space] Number of days you need the HES code

Here is an example of what it should look like: "HES 12345678901 1234 30"

Public Transport in Antalya in Turkey

Where Will I Need My HES Code in the Antalya Province?

As mentioned before, you will need a HES Code to enter Turkey. It is also needed for public transportation in Antalya and to travel using inter-city transport in Turkey (train, bus, plane).

In order to use public transportation in Antalya, you have to pair your HES Code with your AntalyaKart. In the next section of this article, you can find how to link them together. 

In addition, your HES Code is also required to enter shopping centers, bazaars, parks, amusement parks, as well as most tourist attractions and museums in Antalya.

Cafés, coffee houses, banks, and gyms are some other places where you must present the code in Antalya.

Furthermore, your HES Code will need to be shown when visiting Turkish baths (Hamam), saunas, spas, and hairdressers.

It's expected that the HES Code will be more enforced in the future.

Check our article on the full review of COVID-19 Rules in Turkey.

Antalyakart for Antalya Public Transportation (Editorial)

How Do I Link My HES Code to My Public Transportation Card?

To be able to use public transportation in Antalya, you need to link your individual HES Code to your public transportation card.

Different public transportation cards cannot be registered with the same HES code. Here's how to do it with the AntalyaKart and Alanya KentKart.

Pair your AntalyaKart

To connect your AntalyaKart to your HES Code, please visit https://hes.antalyakart.com.tr/. The website is available in English and the process is very easy.

You will see a screen with three input fields: HES code, passport number, and number on your AntalyaKart. Fill out the fields, click the box that you accept the terms and conditions, and then click the "Define" field.

After that, your AntalyaKart is paired with your individual HES Code.

Pair your Alanya KentKart:

To connect your Alanya KentKart to your HES Code, please visit this website: https://alanya.kentkart.com/#. It is also available in English.

Fill out the three fields: HES code, passport number, and number on your Alanya KentKart. Click the box that you accept the terms and conditions. After clicking the "Define" field, your Alanya KentKart will be linked with your personal HES Code.

Now you know what a HES Code is and how to get it. Please let us know in the comments if you encountered difficulties and ask us any related questions.

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