Visit Dim Çayı in Alanya: Location, Entrance and Touristic Tips

Last Updated by  on June 13, 2021
Dimcay in Alanya in Antalya in Turkey

Let’s take a break from the hot beach and go somewhere that looks like a beach, but is more refreshing? We have here a place that gives you the opportunity to chill while spending a nice time playing or just enjoying nature and artificial pools. How does it sound?

Dim River is one of the most visited natural beauties in Alanya with its refreshing air and water in all seasons. It is located 15 kms away from Alanya and accessible through different paths.

In this article, we will give you detailed information about Dim River in Alanya: location, activities, entrance and touristic tips. That way, you will get the most advantages from your visit!

Dimcay in Alanya in Antalya in Turkey

What can I do at Dim Çayı?

Dim Çayı rises in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains and pours its waters into the Mediterranean with a 60 km long branch. What can you find in Dim River and what are the different activities available on site. Here are several tips:

  • Restaurants and Picnic Areas:

Dim Çayı is one of the best places to have a picnic and cool off in the greenery in Alanya. Many restaurants, cafes, tea gardens are located by the stream. These facilities protected from the sun by the gazebos are visited by many tourists especially during the summer. The most famous food to eat here is the fresh trout fish grown in the pools. In a way, the common feature of the restaurants and picnic areas here is the tables situated into the stream. If you come early in the morning, you can have a nice local breakfast.

  • Swimming at Dim Çayı: 

You can swim in artificial pools made up of water flowing from the stream. There are fun slides for those who want to swim. During hot days, the pools can be crowded, we recommend to get there early and enjoy it while there is less people.

  • Rafting at Dim Çayı: 

Would you like to try rafting, one of the popular sports of recent years, while you’re here? The upper parts of the stream are used for rafting. In order to reach Alraft facilities, which have the necessary infrastructure for rafting, you have to drive another 5 km. Alraft facilities are spread over a wide area under trees. In addition to restaurants, there are areas for sports such as archery and riding. The rafting course is completed in 1-2 hours depending on the water level.

  • Visit the Villages around Dim Çayı: 

The Dim villages attracts great attention by the tourists with their admiring nature by the Taurus Mountains. Many tour agencies organizing daily trekking and safari trips to these villages.

  • Visit Dim Cave:

Dim Cave is the second biggest cave in Turkey that is open for visits. There are formations of stalactites, stalagmites and travertines in the cave. At the end of the cave, there is a small lake with 200 m2 of water surface. By visiting this cave, you can watch the Dim River and the breathtaking magnificent view around it with bird’s eye view. Read more about Dim Cave in Alanya.

Dimcay in Alanya in Antalya in Turkey

Entrance, Tickets and Tours

  • Entrance Fee: Good news ! The entrance to the facilities around Dim River is free. You must come early to get a good spot, specially during summer !
  • Opening Hours: The facilities are working 7 days a week and usually closes around 22.00 pm.
  • Tours: Tours around can be organised with a private guide booked in Alanya to visit the area of Dim Çayı. To get more information, you can contact our team and we will find you the perfect guide.
  • Tip: To book amusement parks, museums and tours tickets in advance for your trip in Antalya region, don’t hesitate to check our deals in our official shop :

Dimcay in Alanya in Antalya in Turkey

How to get to Dim Çayı (Dim River)

You can access Dim Çayı (Dim River) through 2 easy ways : The car or the bus. Here is how :

  • With your private car: To go to Dim River, which is 15 km away from Alanya district center, you should go towards Gazipaşa – Mersin. The crossroad you will turn to is in the region where Dim River flows into the sea. If you follow the signs towards the north from this point, you can reach restaurants area by the Dim River. 
  • Rent a car: You can also rent a car in Alanya and get to Dim Cay yourself. It is a wonderful drive allowing you to discover the nature in the area. To rent a car in Alanya, please check our article on Renting a Car in Antalya/Alanya with useful information.
  • Bus: If you want to reach Dim Çayı by public transport, you need to take the bus number 10 that leaves from the harbour in the Alanya Old Town.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

History of the Dim Çayı (Dim River)

Dim River in Antalya in Turkey

Dim Çayı is considered as the vein of life for Alanya because it meets the irrigation water needs of Alanya. The river rises from the Alakise Village on the foothills of the Taurus Mountains and pours its waters into the Mediterranean from the border of Kestel and Tosmur Towns in the south of Alanya with a 60 km branch in the northeast-southwest direction.

There are about 14-15 settlements around Dim Çayı. These places are called as Dim villages. This valley, which is split by the effect of the Dim stream, is called Dim Valley. Dim valley is an important place in terms of tourism thanks to its coolness and greenery.


  • Address: Dimçayı 07400 Alanya/Antalya
  • Opening Hours: The facilities around the river are open everyday.
  • Public Transport: Bus, Minibus from Alanya

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